
you know what we have to do a lot? wait on trains. you know what we don’t like to do at all? wait on trains. it would seem that at some point in time i was under the false idea that moving to illinois would mean fewer trains. wrong. back in fort worth, we wouldContinue reading “choo-choo!”

six of fifty-two

i’ve only tried my hand at cooking asian food a couple other times before last night. but, i would like to say through the encouragement of my husband, and the desire to not start “repeats” of dinner meals, i found a recipe! side note: for some reason i’m terrified to start over on my repertoireContinue reading “six of fifty-two”

why are we here again?

discouragement is such a awful sounding word, isn’t it? it’s this word that feels like it just stays with you. it’s hard to get out of “being discouraged”, and sometimes it’s hard to encourage others. well, i would like to say, that discouragement has not won. we knew moving to illinois would be tough, noContinue reading “why are we here again?”

finally illini

yes, its true. we’ve given in (we kind of had to by law). this past week, i made the venture to scout out the dmv. thankfully it wasn’t too busy the day i went, and i had the necessary paperwork, so i went ahead and surrendered the texas license. i had to show the newContinue reading “finally illini”

day 17, 18, 19

rachel day 17, 18, 19 i know we said we would try to do one song per day, but honestly i’ve only been thinking about one song. despite the fact that most days i have the radio on all day, during commercial breaks i’ve just been going back to this song:  “remind me who i am”Continue reading “day 17, 18, 19”

day 15, 16

rachel day 15 i know matt just blogged about this song, but i’m also going to  write a little bit about it. mandisa is probably one of my favorite female christian artists—i love the lyrics to her songs, they are usually pretty catchy and easy to remember. so, he shared a little bit about “waitingContinue reading “day 15, 16”

patriots vs. giants

well, the superbowl is tomorrow (in case you didn’t know). and you might remember how i’m not a fan of either team?  maybe my passion wasn’t displayed well enough. but, i really don’t like eli manning or tom brady. again, matt tells me that both teams cannot lose, but i’m still wishing that was anContinue reading “patriots vs. giants”

Week 2 Recipe – Lasagne

well sort of. this week rachel and i did make homemade lasagne but the part that counts for my recipe is the pasta. that is right, we made our own pasta. for years, i have been wanting to make my own pasta and finally have been able to use the fancy pasta machine we have.Continue reading “Week 2 Recipe – Lasagne”

Starting cooking goals – Week 1 (Pretzels)

So, seeing Rachel do all of this cooking and trying new things has inspired me to join in her 2012 goal of making a recipe a week. I know that I am already a couple of weeks behind but I figure we can make up some time and do some interesting things. So, just inContinue reading “Starting cooking goals – Week 1 (Pretzels)”

day 12, 13, 14

rachel day 12 talk about a rough morning. i’ve had a few rough mornings the past few days with being sick, but today was really bad. as the day has gone on though, this song by needtobreathe has been on the radio several times and i just keep thinking about how i can take charge of the dayContinue reading “day 12, 13, 14”