book 10

when you see “free book” on the newsfeed of you former pastor, you’re prompted to check it out. in a couple of circles of friends, facebook had lit up with this book being free only today and it was a book about marriage, so i thought it might be worth checking out. after all, i could always delete it from my kindle and it came from a reputable source, so i felt pretty good about it.

this was another book that i chose to “study”, because really, no matter where you’re at in your marriage, you can always stand to improve. book 10 is “Marriage Matters: Extraordinary Change through Ordinary Moments” by Winston Smith. i really enjoyed this book because it was so practical. of the few marriage books i’ve read, they are inspiring mostly, but not much on the “how to actually make this work in your life”.

this book acknowledges that life and marriage are ordinary, you’re not in honeymoon phase forever, and sometimes you really do just make it through the day. but in the midst of that, it gives practical steps to know what extraordinary love looks like in details of the ordinary moments. the book starts with Jesus as the source and center of our lives, encouraging the reader to follow and look to Him first for your identity and satisfaction. the book then moves into some key concepts (honesty, healthy conflict, knowing your spouse’s needs, forgiveness) to consider and remind yourself of and finally to practical application of the concepts mentioned.

generally speaking i find marriage books really touchy-feely, and hard to use, this one i really enjoyed and felt like i learned quite a bit. i rated this one 3 out of 5.

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