weather shock

remember how we just posted about our first snow? yeah. this is another post about the weather. it is kind of shock to the system to go from 80 degrees in fort worth (yeah, that’s the current temp there), to the current temp of 16 degrees in aurora. i know i feel a little shockedContinue reading “weather shock”

Matt’s Day 1 song

so, today was quite the interesting day. from getting a few hours of sleep because of the drip and leak from the neighbors above to driving home in a blizzard, the only way i am here now is because of my Lord. there are a few things today that went on that i want toContinue reading “Matt’s Day 1 song”


what’s it like to drive in illinois? its annoying, that’s what it is. straight up. you see, the thing is, illinois drivers are in no way aggressive. unless you’re at a traffic light. texas drivers are aggressive in my opinion. they kind of push their way into lanes (regardless of the size of the vehicle).Continue reading “driving”

well, this is fun

so, you know when its the middle of the night and you hear something you just know means that something bad is happening. no, it isn’t anything sinister, its just a house noise that is unsettling. that happened. last night. about 2:00 last night (this morning) our heater was going, which you know, since itsContinue reading “well, this is fun”

want to see our place…

want to see our apartment? if yes, keep reading. if no, then go away (i guess). it is still a work in progress, but we are getting to where it feels homey. in the next couple weeks we’ll get some pictures printed and hung, and then we should be good! when you walk in! ifContinue reading “want to see our place…”

30 day challenge

so, i guess technically we have two 30 day challenges. one we’re in the middle of, and the other we have yet to start. the first day we moved to illinois, we started looking for radio stations. as navigator of our rental car, it was also my responsibility to find some jams. thankfully we foundContinue reading “30 day challenge”